Member Incentive Program


Trillium’s Member Incentive Program helps members become involved in their health. It encourages healthy behaviors and education through gift cards and small rewards. Providers, members, and care managers can apply for incentives. Please note: members can only get up to $75 in incentives each fiscal year, from July 1 through June 30. Some rewards may be only partially rewarded if the member limit is reached.

Medicaid Direct Population

Member Incentive ProgramRewards
Create a My Learning Campus Account - My Learning Campus is our free, online training website.$10 gift card
Complete the Trillium New Member Orientation on My Learning CampusMember Tool-Kit ($50 value)
Complete the Healthy Eating course on the Trillium My Learning Campus$25 Healthy Foods Gift Card

 Apply for the Medicaid Direct Member Incentive Program here.  

Tailored Plan Population

Member Incentive ProgramRewards
Create a My Learning Campus Account - My Learning Campus is our free, online training website.$10 gift card
Complete the Trillium New Member Orientation on My Learning CampusMember Tool-Kit ($50 value)
Complete the Healthy Eating course on the Trillium My Learning Campus$25 Healthy Foods Gift Card
Complete Pregnancy Intendedness Course on My Learning Campus$25 Gift Card
Complete a Well Visit with your Doctor$20 Gift Card
Don't Let the Flu Catch You!$10 Gift Card
Quit Now-Tobacco  Cessation ProgramUp to $75 in Gift Card
Asthma Medication RefillAsthma Relief Kit
Well-Child Visits$25 Gift Card
Prenatal VisitBaby Care Kit
Postpartum Visit$25 Gift Card
HbA1c Lab Test$25 Gift Card
Cervical Cancer Screening$25 Gift Card
Mammogram$25 Gift Card
Colorectal Screening$25 Gift Card
Follow-Up Visit After Discharge$50 Gift Card

 Apply for the Tailored Plan Member Incentive Program here.  

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